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AutoimmunityCytokinesImmune RegulationLupus

Ep. 75: “Autoinflammatory Diseases” Featuring Dr. Scott Canna

By March 26, 2024No Comments


Dr. Scott Canna is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Rheumatology), and Attending Physician, Pediatric Rheumatology and Immune Dysregulation at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. His group studies the mechanisms of immune dysregulation. He talks about auto- and hyperinflammatory diseases and the role of IL-18. He also discusses hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and adapting therapies for children.

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The Immunology Science Round Up

Microbial Metabolites in Infectious Diseases – Dietary tryptophan protects against gastrointestinal infection by activating the neurotransmitter receptor dopamine receptor D2.

T Cell Tolerance – Scientists used neural networks and hybrid mice to see how the transcription factor AIRE recognizes gene promoters.

Microbes in ImmunotherapyLactobacillus johnsonii promotes the production of indole-3-propionic acid, which improves immune checkpoint blockade responsiveness.

Alzheimer’s Disease Microglia – Research suggests a link between genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and microglial lipid droplet accumulation.

Image courtesy of Dr. Scott Canna

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